Best Brand Recognition

08 April 2024 by Simon Drayson

Archiboo Longlist Award

We are delighted to have been longlisted in this years Archiboo Award, in the ‘Best Brand’ category. The awards were first set up in 2016 to celebrate creative ways that architecture is communicated, as our communicate with our clients has always been so important to us we are especially pleased to be acknowledged in this way.

George and James team collaboration Surrey Hampshire Sussex

When we set up George & James we wished to create a brand that is both inspiring and approachable. The company name was obviously a huge starting point for our brand. We loved the idea of a personalised company name, but Simon & Darren (our first names) didn’t have quite the right gravitas and Drayson & Leach (our surnames) sounded like... well, not quite like the down-to-earth, approachable, first-name-terms practice we wanted to be. George & James (our middle names) somehow fitted just right.  

The key part of our brand ethos has been to break down the barriers created by typical architectural jargon, offering up a more humane and friendly side to our industry. Architecture can sometimes feel quite daunting, with multiple unfamiliar processes to even the smallest project, making many baulk at the complexity of it all. We recongise the architectural language is also often very technical, making it difficult for those outside the industry to engage with.

Archiboo best brand

To help our audience we invested in different ways to break down these barriers. We have crafted our own text to ‘translate’ the standard ‘RIBA Plan of Works’ design processes into a more human-friendly guide, accessible here. Alongside this we offer an honest overview of our fees, which you can find here, which highlights what to expect financially. We write articles regularly on for our website to share our thoughts, our ideas and our good news, you can dig into all our back catalogue here

We look forward to attending the event on Wednesday 22nd May, when the winners of all categories will be announced. 

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